Banja Luka in partnership with Jajce and Bihac towards the ECoC title

banjaluka jajce bihac zajedno do epk

Yesterday in Banja Luka a meeting was held among the representatives of the cultural scenes of Bihac, Jajce and Banja Luka, regarding the joint effort in Banja Luka’s candidacy for the European capital of culture 2024.

As a reminder, Banja Luka and its partners have presented their concept “Opposites attract” to the European commission’s Panel last October, engaging the whole Krajina region.

After the agreement on cooperation and support, the formation of the partner cities’ teams and the exchange of project ideas, the topic of this meeting was the finalizing of the artistic programme these three cities present to the Panel of the European commission on September 24 this year. Five large-scale projects received green light on this meeting, as well as a number of middle and small-scale projects. This was reinforced by the institutional cooperation, and the independent sector as well.

The deadline for application is august 24th, and the city that will bear the title in 2024 together with cities from Estonia and Austria, will be announced by the end of September, choice being made from Banja Luka and Mostar from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Bodo from Norway.

The representatives from Bihac were Adnan Dupanovic and Alen Zulic, Dragan Glavas and Katarina Petrovic from Jajce, and for the Banja Luka 2024 team Marko Bilbija, Dijana Grbic and Monika Ponjavic.

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