International architectural competition of the central pedestrian area

medjunarodni konkurs za centralnu gradsku zonu

The City of Banja Luka has announced today the international competition for the design of the new central pedestrian area. Upon the completion of this project, the central city area will get a completely new identity.

The object of this open call, that will include architects from around the world, covers the area from the Nikola Tesla street to the Vaso Pelagic street.

It is a very complex task, the one that requires a significant transformation of this part of the city. And because of that, the decision to make the call international was self evident. – states the representative of the city’s Spatial planning department.

According to competition brief, which will be published the specialized architectural digests and magazines, and relevant websites and portals, the proposed design should, as it states “create a pleasant and aesthetically acceptable urban atmosphere as a prerequisite of identification and integration of the citizens with their city”.

The call is open until October 31st, and the potential candidates are all individuals and companies that are eligible by the defined terms, regardless of the country of origin.

The winning design will be awarded the prize of EUR 24.000. The proposals will be ranked by the appointed Commission, which, alongside local professionals, includes the renowned Italian architect Renato Rizzi.

The competition brief is available for download at:


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